Patronal Feast

Patronal Feast

We invite everyone to the Patronal Feast of our Church.

All Saints Russian Orthodox Church in Fargo, ND. The service will be performed by archpriest Vasily Zelenyuk. The next Service in Our Church will take place this: Saturday, June 13, at 5 pm – Vigil. June 14, All Saints- Patronal Feast of the Church, at 8 am – Morning Prayers, Confession and Hours, at 9 am – Liturgy and Procession. Looking forward to seeing you! Please share and like our posts to help spread the word! Our Church is following all CDC guidelines, we have facemasks available for single use. We will be happy to everyone, and we invite everyone to our Church. But only if you are not sick and did not have contact with COVID-19 patients. Inside the Church you will be masked and keep a distance from each other. God bless everyone!

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