Message from Acting Father Rector, Archpriest Vasil

Message from Acting Father Rector, Archpriest Vasil

Our Churches is closed to parishioners!
The All Churches will continue as usual, but without parishioners, only the clergy and choir, up to 10 people, are allowed, such is an order from the local authorities.
Please pray at home and do not lose heart. Everything will be fine!
The Lord is with us! Sunday services will be broadcast live, please go a little lower to links to past and future services that will begin at ten o’clock Chicago time.
At Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church in Milwaukee
All Saints Russian Orthodox Church in Fargo, ND. The service will be performed by Archpriest Vasily. The next Service in Our Church will take place this Saturday, March 28, at 8 am – Confessions. 9 am – Divine Liturgy and Panihida.
Looking forward to seeing you! Please share and like our posts to help spread the word!
V. Rev. Vasily Zelenyuk
Dean Second Deanery, Diocese of Chicago and Mid-America.
Rector, Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox in Milwaukee, WI
8635 W. Warnimont Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53228
Acting Rector, Our Lady of “Tenderness” in Madison, WI
11 North 7th St., Madison, WI 53704
Acting Rector, All Saints Russian Orthodox Church in Fargo, ND.
2415 Broadway N, Fargo, ND, 58102
Cell (248) 764 0237, Church (414) 383 1477
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