DIVINE LITURGY, SATURDAY of 32nd week after PENTECOST, February 1st (Jan. 19th old style)
February 1st, Saturday of the 32th week after Pentecost. St. Macarius the Great of Egypt. Hours and confessions 8:40 am, Divine Liturgy 9:00 am (January 19th according to old style)
Divine Liturgy. Saturday before the Theophany. January 18th (January 5th old style)
January 18th. Saturday before the Theophany. Eve of the Theophany. Hours and confessions 8:40 am, Divine Liturgy 9:00 am. Great Vespers. Great Blessing of the Waters. (January 5th according to old style)
The Circumcision of the Lord / St Basil the Great. January 14th (January 1st old style)
January 14th. 8:00 am. The Circumcision of the Lord / St Basil the Great. Reader’s service. (January 1st according to old style)